How to solve the problem of Social Security: Take away benefits from those who make more than a given level. If you are making so much money, you should be able to put some of that in a reserve. Oh wait, if I were rich, I would definitely have the mindset that I can spend it all on nonessentials. [On a side note, a German won over $900,000 in the lottery and spent it all. Too embarrassed to accept welfare checks, he went into the business of theft. Now he lives in the BIG house.] And the wealthy would buy off the politicians to keep their portion of Social Security. In a just and fair political system, the wealthy would be willing to pay their share to the government and contribute to the less fortunate.
How to solve the problem of Social Security (take 2): Remove government-provided health care. One of the central issues to the Social Security debate is that there are not enough people paying into the system to support the growing number of beneficiaries. Add in people living longer past retirement. Hence, take away health care. People can become ill and die of many various illness. Laws of supply and demand determine that the wealthy will afford necessary care. The poor will live shorter lives. Survival of the fittest (and richest). Hmm. Sounds a bit like genetic cleansing if the government enforced such regulations. Okay, instead, kill off the wealthy and take their money to support the poor. Back up--don't kill anyone. Play like Robin Hood. I think this results in a system we call communist or socialist. Crap. The places my logic takes me.
Even though people are naturally good, greediness by a few taints life for the rest. That's the problem with politics. Those in charge essentially want what's best for themselves. Hopefully, those desires align with the desires of the general public. Otherwise, it becomes a game of who has the most money to lobby for their cause.