TheUtah Politick

Personal political rants. My opinion means nothing to you.

Since government cannot separate politics and religion, neither will I.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Humor at Hotmail

While logging into Hotmail last month, they put out an interim screen informing users of coming changes. The screen read as follows:

Your inbox has a slightly new look

No big changes - more like a repainted room than a remodeled house. All your messages and contacts are still there. We've just made a few improvements to Hotmail based on feedback from customers like you. Here's what you'll see:
-A cleaner and more customizable look
-Up to 70% faster access to your e-mail(1)
-Easier access to your Windows Live Hotmail contacts

Additional improvements are in the works in the coming months including even bigger storage space (we'll automatically increase the capacity of your inbox as you need it(2) and the ability to send instant messages from your inbox.

Thank you for using Windows Live Hotmail.

The numbers in parentheses are footnotes.
(1) Based on Microsoft testing over broadband. Results were up to 54% for narrowband connections.
(2) We've designed Windows Live Hotmail storage to grow with you, but at a reasonable pace. That means you should have plenty of storage unless you suddenly want to store the planet Jupiter on Hotmail, in which case we'll send you a nice e-mail asking you to please not try to store planets on Windows Live Hotmail (although gradual storage of moons and asteroids is ok).

Footnote #2 is the one that made me laugh out loud. I'm glad someone at Microsoft has a sense of humor and was willing to show it.


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